The median age in Thailand is 40.2 years, indicating that half of the population is younger and the other half is older than this age. This means that Bangkok, as the capital city, likely has a similar average age to the national median.
Thailand has a Total Fertility Rate of 1.3, which is below the Replacement-Level Fertility of 2.1. This suggests that the population may decline in the future if the fertility rate remains low.
The life expectancy in Thailand is 79.9 years for both sexes combined, with females living longer than males on average. This indicates that the population in Bangkok may have a higher life expectancy as well.
Currently, 52.0% of Thailand’s population is urban, with Bangkok being the largest city in the country. This urbanization may impact the average age in Bangkok compared to rural areas.
With a population density of 141 people per Km2 in Thailand, Bangkok likely has a higher population density due to its status as a major urban center.
Bangkok is the largest city in Thailand with a population of 5,104,476 people. This large population size may influence the average age in Bangkok compared to smaller cities.
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